TheRickshawLive #movingthemusic


18 channel mix

2.5 kW sound



Black Mesa

Dec 4, 2020 | Maker

In modern Colorado style we migrated to the Centennial state from all corners of the country to settle in beautiful Fort Collins. Our roots stem from influences of classic country, Motown, punk, jazz, surf, and classical that we acquired as youngins in our former home states. Emily, Chris and Bob go way back, playing bars in the mountain towns. Joel, having an extensive and varied history playing in bands, met Chris and Emily in Fort Collins in 2002 and quickly formed a musical bond that has stood the test of time. Pete joined up a few years back and has brought it up a level with serious skills on the kit and knowledge of music theory. Joel and Chris have been the engines behind our recent song-writing spree, with Pete bringing his trained musical skills to create structure and interest, Emily adding compelling lyrics, and Bob producing rock solid guitar licks in our development of new material.

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